Meet Chef Chad
I've spent over 25 years in the restaurant business working for top chefs like Jean Georges Vongerichten and Micheal Minna. But what I love about food goes beyond the restaurant business for me, it is about health. So I pursued an education in nutrition, and am now bringing together my passion for cooking and nutrition to realize my true purpose: helping people live healthier lives through food. Now I REALLY love what I do because I am doing it in a way that directly impacts people's lives in a positive way. My food is my craft and I bring to it an extremely broad range of skills, knowledge and love.
Contact us to taste the LOVE!​​

Live Foods
We started Elsie's because we want to share the benefits with everyone. Imagine what our world could be like if we all had more resilience to stress, stronger immune systems, and greater vitality because of our stronger gut microbiomes.
Join us as we take on the world...one microbe at a time!
Working together we can create a diet that supports your health. Eating a diet that is right for your body can be a key element to regaining or maintaining your vitality. Not only can I help you envision a healthy diet, I can help implemement it by helping out with the cooking.

The Benefits of Fermented Foods
Fermented foods contain live microbial cultures that keep your gut microbiome healthy.
By eating foods that are minimally processed the nutritional qualities are preserved.
Fermentation creates enzymes that help break down and digest fibers, proteins, and carbohydrates that make nutrients more bioavailable to absorb.
Microbes produce a number of nutrients through fermentation and produce B vitamins, k12, omega 3 fatty acids and more.
Your gut microbiome is the barrier between you and the outside world - it prevents toxins from entering the blood stream and communicates with your body's immune system to modulate responses to illness.
Fermented foods have been shown to reduce gut inflammation, improve digestion, control appetite, and detoxify the blood by binding to heavy metals, producing organic acids and peptides and removing ammonia and nitrogen from the liver and kidneys.
Probiotics like those in fermented foods prevent disease like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. They also improve mental health by producing mood-boosting neurotransmitters and metabolites that keep the stress response in balance.
Fermented foods have been a part of healthy human diets for centuries. The fizz of carbonated water is enticing to our tastebuds because they are tuned in to seek bubbly, fermented foods! So....Give your tastebuds the real thing - skip the sodas and enjoy some ferments!